junio 11, 2008

One Light Charcoal is the “Green Way to Grill”

Chilenos en Austin,

Tiene el agrado de anunciarles; que uno de los nuestros, Felipe Correa, acaba de lanzar al mercado la manera más sabrosa y "ecologista" de un asado instantáneo. !One Light Charcoal!. Les adjunto el "Press release para los Hipermercados Whole Foods, en la lingua de Franklin, para que cunda la promoción.

One Light™ Charcoal Launches at Whole Foods Market
Grilling Season Kicks off With “The Green Way to Grill”

IBSL, co-founded by a Chilean entrepreneur announced today that it is has launched its flagship product --One Light™ Charcoal-- just in time to kick off the grilling season. Available at select Whole Foods Market stores across the country, One Light Charcoal is the “Green Way to Grill”™ as it is the easiest, safest and most eco-friendly way to enjoy the authentic flavor of charcoal barbecue.

“It’s not only better for the environment, it is so simple and convenient, perfect for impromptu backyard barbecues and ideal for on the go grilling as well,” said Felipe Correa, co-inventor of One Light™ Charcoal and IBSL’s Vice President of Business Development. “The secret to this single-use charcoal bag is the unique internal paper chimney.”

The patent pending chimney technology provides a natural fuel source and a constant flow of air, enabling convection rather than accelerants to ignite and roast the charcoal. The bag burns from the inside out, allowing the charcoal to roast before the bag itself burns off, leaving only a pyramid of red-hot coals.

“Grillers simply place the entire One Light™ Charcoal bag in the grill, open it, light the long-stem match provided and place it down in the chimney inside the bag. No lighter fluid or additional equipment is needed. No mess, and no hassle,” added Correa.

Beyond the ease-of-use advantage, the all-natural design also delivers a significant environmental benefit. The EPA estimates that 14,500 tons of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are released annually from charcoal lighter fluid, a petroleum distillate. VOCs contribute to the formation of ozone, a component of smog and the third most important greenhouse gas. The environmental impact from lighter fluid is equivalent to the hydrocarbon emissions from 375,000 passenger cars.
As One Light™ Charcoal uses only air and paper to ignite the charcoal, no VOCs are released and therefore no ozone is produced, resulting in reduced smog and greenhouse gases. One Light Charcoal is one step all BBQ enthusiasts can take to do their part for the environment. Gas, electric and lighter fluid-based charcoal grilling are non-renewable ways to grill. One Light™ truly is “The Green Way to Grill.”™

One Light Charcoal comes in two types of select woods, hardwood and mesquite. Each bag contains 2.5 lbs or 3 lbs of charcoal based on the type selected. Both types retail for

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